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tv   Around the World  CNN  August 5, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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19, that's how many u.s. embassies and consulates are closed for the week. how this is impacting travel around the world. a string of prison breaks could be one of the causes. a look at how al qaeda is tied to some of these attacks. alex rodriguez could find out his fate any moment as he face allegations that he used banned drugs. we'll follow that story through the the hour. i'm suzanne malveaux. michael is off today.
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right now intelligence and analysts are combing through database, phone records, websites. they are searching for details about a possible terrorist attack. u.s. officials have now extended the closing of 19 diplomatic posts. this is around the world because of that threat. the location stretches as far east as oman and as south as madagascar. this chatter is much more serious than they have seen in years. barbara starr explains how this all came about. >> reporter: the cia and the national security agency has been secretly monitoring intelligence tips for weeks. there was indications of a possible terrorist attack, a stronghold of one of al qaeda's deadliest affiliates. alarm bells went off across washington when a crucial
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message was intercepted involving communications in the last several days among senior al qaeda operatives. >> this is a wake up call. al qaeda is stronger than it was on 9/11. >> reporter: final planning for an attack may be complete. dozens of u.s. intelligence analysts are scouring databases, tell telephones and websites. chuck hagel ordered u.s. forts in spain and italy onto a higher state of alert. 1500 marines on three navy warships will remain off the coast of yemen ready to react. cnn has agreed to an official requests to with hold details of an intercept that helped trigger a response because the information is so sensitive. it's the controversial nsa,
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electronic surveillance program that picked up the alarming terrorist chatter. >> what we have heard is some specifics on what's intended to be done and some individuals who are making plans such as we saw before 9/11. >> reporter: barbara starr, cnn, washington. >> a global travel alert is in effect for americans traveling outside the united states and the alert could cause disruptions. i want to bring our correspondents in two of those embassies that are closed. john, let's start off with you. how does this affect day-to-day activities where you are and do people feel a sense of threat? >> reporter: all of a sudden we're starting to feel that way to be very candid. this extended closure of the 19 facilities throughout the middle
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east, north africa and the gulf states have everybody thinking twice about what's on the table. of the 19 that are shut, nine are in the gulf states. to give you a sense of where we are and why security is such an issue. we're about a mile way from the diplomater quarter where the u.s. embassy rests. even on a normal day a tourist or a news organization can't go uneven with the still camera or a video camera. it's a no-go zone. that's how seriously they take security. we're only about 300 miles away across the strait of hormuz high pressure governments did not follow suit with the united states. they are suggesting this links back directly to benghazi. they don't want to be in that situation now. this is seen as a drastic measure, has people thinking twice even during the ramadan
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holiday. they understand where the u.s. is coming from but they're not following suit in these gulf states. >> arwa, this is based on an intercepted message from al qaeda but there's also other concerns as well. it's about the timing of this. the holy month of ramadan coming to an end. the prison breaks we have seen. give us a sense of what it's like where you are in cairo. the feel people have moving about. >> reporter: well, the situation in cairo is unique and this country is caught up in an incredibly challenging and violent stand off between supporters and opponents. people are not paying that much attention to the threat, at least your average egyptian isn't. that being said when it comes to
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the united states there's a particular concern when it comes to their facility here because it was the very same day that horrific attack took place in benghazi where earlier on there was an attack. it has been closed and remains closed. officials said back in may may tha they detained three individuals who were planning on carrying out the attack. >> you're absolutely right. john, i want to bring you in quickly here. how does this disrupt the way u.s. citizens and people do business? obviously, the facility itself is closed. can they actually get things
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done there or are we at a stand still? >> reporter: it's a different situation in cairo which is going through a major transition. you couldn't have any idea what's going on if you drive the streets. 90% of americans during the month of july and august is gone because the heat is so intense. the business flow has almost trickled down. the only visitors are the muslim visitors. there's some bottlenecks. there's local students and other arab students looking to get student visa's cleared. businessmen trying to get visa's into the united states for their autumn schedule. it's going to be a complete seven days if they reopen on sunday. it's not panic situation but i think people are starting to put different pieces of the puzzle in place. the prisoner release, al qaeda
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number two and the u.s. extends this. >> appreciate it very much. coming up we're going to talk about those prison breaks that were mentioned there and whether or not they have something to do with these u.s. embassies shutting down for the week. the white house making a new move to try to end the political chaos in egypt. we have senator john mccain and lindsey graham going to egypt to meet with leaders. they're making this trip at president obama's request. supporters have been camping out for weeks in cairo. you're looking at pictures there. the military backed interim government is threatening to clear the streets of morsi's supporters. morsi was removed from power just last month by the egyptian military and he was egypt's first democratly elected president. since he was toppled there's
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been fighting on the streets. egypt a critical u.s. ally in the middle east. we are now following another big story. we're waiting official word about the fate of alex rodriguez. major league baseball has been quiet now but it's expected a suspension of the yankee's star. he's accused of taking performance enhancing drugs. an announcement could come any moment now. we're keeping a good eye on that. some are saying a-rod could be out until 2015. let's talk about how this could all unfold. you could have three different things happening today. he gets suspend, appeals, making his yankees debut for the season tonight. what do we think is going to happen? what do we think it's going to be? >> i think it's going to be all three of those things. you don't need soap operas. just watch the alex rodriguez
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saga. you have the highest paid player that will likely get suspended this afternoon. the probation reports are until the 2015 season. he's vowed he will fight. he will appeal the suspension. under the drug agreement that baseball has with its players union he can play during that appeal. he will be on the field tonight for the new york yankees which he hasn't been all season. he's coming back from injury. he's making his debut under this huge cloud. you may remember last week baseball leaked out this possibility that maybe they could suspend him under the commissioner's power. that's when the commissioner decides it's in the best interest of baseball for him to be suspended and he wouldn't be allowed to play while appealing. the danger of that is alex rodriguez legal team said if they do that we're going to file a court injunction and that gets the u.s. court system involved.
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this keeps everything within the sport of baseball but what a spectacle you have a huge super star playing for the most popular team in the world, in the country, and he'll be doing this under this huge cloud of suspicion and this suspension he'll be appealing. >> they describe him as the michael jordan of baseball. he's 38 years old. he had $100 million left. he claims it's because he's one of the highest paid, if not the highest paid athlete out there. is this about the money? is it about the cheating? why now? >> baseball fans and basketball fans will get into it over that michael jordan comparison. michael jordan six championships. alex rodriguez doesn't have that and never michael jordan never under a drug suspicion. at the beginning of his career you heard the michael jordan comparisons.
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they thought he could have it all. he's so supremely talented. instead he's been under this cloud because of the money and the other things he's done to get here. we'll have to see with the latest drug accusations where things go. >> we'll bring it to you as soon as the news breaks. also, we're looking at this. inmates supposed to be remaining behind bars but in honduras they run the show. we're not joking. they are taking charge. we'll have that up next. take a bite of this. this is the world's first test tube burger. how this lab grown meat could find its way onto your plate. lady gaga welcomed gay fans in russia and now she's facing punishment. the new guy is loaded with protein!
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what do they have in common? the police agency interpol suspects al qaeda had a hand in most or all of them. nick, break this down for us. they think that all of these or potentially a lot of these prison breaks are connected to al qaeda. what's the evidence behind that? >> reporter: well the interpol list doesn't suggest all of them are linked to al qaeda. it puts out a list of 11 jailbreaks in a 25 countries that's got them concerned and they wanted to have more information. there are about three or four of them that could have some al qaeda link to them. the main one -- >> i think we have lost nick payton walsh. we're going to take a look at this. nick, are you back with us? i'm not hearing nick. >> reporter: i can hear you.
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>> okay. go ahead. tell us what you were saying. >> reporter: it's small number of interpol list of 11 jailbreaks in nine countries that seem to have al qaeda links. they're wrapping up a lot of activity. >> all right. we're going to try to get him back. we're having technical problems there. we're also looking at this. this is inside an american prison. things seem rigid but guards are calling the shots and the prisoners falling in line or else that's the situation in the united states but in honduras it's the other way around. there's this report that says across the country's 25 prisons the inmates are in charge. they not only hand out food, they have their own set of keys and even fine other prisoners for stepping out of line. there's something called the line of death. an actual physical line that separates the prisoners and guards in some of these places.
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the government doesn't deny this. it is getting fed up with what's going on. this weekend troops were sent into one of the country's biggest prison after fights broke out. three gang members died in that fighting and three guards were injured. coming up, infant formula and energy brinks might be contamina contaminated. this is how the largest exporter of dairy products found a bacteria that could cause food poisoning. don't tell mom! don't tell mom. okay. don't tell mom. don't tell mom. don't tell mom? yeah. the best stories you'll ever tell start with, don't tell." don't tell dad. start yours in the new santa fe. from hyundai. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo.
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a must military helicopter crashed today. this was at a marine base in japan. the chopper went down at camp henson. three of the four crew members on board are safe. we don't know condition of the fourth crew member. iran has a new president. he took the oath of office yesterday. he's now promising to improve
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the economy and reduce unemployment there. he says iran is still intent on developing nuclear weapons in order to destroy israel. one says he's be more powerful than past leaders. he's not a reformer. pictures just into cnn showing severe flooding in pakistan. flash flooding have killed 53 people. it's displaced more than 50,000. that's a lot of people. flood waters are receding in some of those areas. the world's biggest exporter of dairy products is now apologizing for a contamination scare. this is in china. this is a company based in new zealand says some products
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contained a deadly bacteria. in china the products were used in baby form will. we have the latest from beijing. >> reporter: the botulism scare is worrisome for mothers and care givers in china. they have been worried about domestic brands but now this new zealand giant says their base product could be affected by the deadly bacteria. so far no one has gotten ill but still they say they are moving quickly to try and stop any risk to the public. china has moved quickly by banning certain products from coming into the country for people who don't know who to trust when it comes to infant formula this is another blow. >> thank you, david. 19, that's how many embassies are closed for the
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week due to a terror threat. what happens when they reopen? that next. there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product. the last thing i want is to feel like someone is giving me a sales pitch, especially when it comes to my investments. you want a broker you can trust. a lot of guys at the other firms seemed more focused on selling than their clients. that's why i stopped working at my old brokerage and became a financial consultant with charles schwab. avo: what kind of financial consultant are you looking for? talk to us today. thto fight chronic. osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain.
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yankees star alex rodriguez could soon know his fate with major league baseball. the league could announce the suspension any moment now. he's facing allegations of taking performance enhancing drugs. a-rod denies any wrong doing and says he will fight any suspension. he could lose more than $30 million if he's taken off the field in the 2014 season. we're keeping a close eye this hour. this is the political chaos in egypt. john mccain and lindsey graham will be arriving. they are making this trip at president obama's request. in cairo the military backed government is threatening to
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clear the streets of protesters who support morsi. he was removed from power last month by the egyptian military. morsi was the first democratically elected president. since he's been toppled you have had fighting in the streets that's killed hundreds of people. a lot of u.s. em bbassies a conulates will be closed. this is across the middle east and africa. cnn has learned the decision was based on an intercepted message. officials are concerned about the cent prison breaks that freed hundreds of terrorists. i want to bring in nick payton wal walsh. tell us what do we know about
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these prison breaks and whether or not there's a connection to al qaeda. >> reporter: there's been a substantial flurry of them in a 25-day period which caused interpol to put out an alert asking for more information. some are in south america, one in switzerland. three or four may be linked to al qaeda. one in libya where a thousand prisoners are still on the run. one in pakistan where we have learned from a leaked list that two significant pakistan taliban leaders were freed from that.
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a man called al-balar. he's on the run. there's a wanted poster for him. concerns as to the nature and seniority of people released in these jailbreaks. >> thank you. i want to bring in our cnn law enforcement analyst. nick just mentioned a powerful person. a member of al qaeda who is on the loose. how much of this is based on the fact there are dangerous guys out there who might be in a position of power. >> of course they're in a position of power. it's hard to say. i don't think they know for sure whether the prison breaks are related to the threats going on now or the leaders that were released in those breaks were involved in the planning of the current threats that are out there. >> tom, we mentioned these intercepted messages. what do you think is behind. what do you think the intelligence community deal with when you look at the reaction to
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this, these closings. >> i think based on what they're saying that the threat information through intercepted phone calls, internet messages or even individual human sources has revealed that some attack plan is under way and that the attackers may have already been dispatched to commit terrorists attacks. what they don't know is the exact date, the exact location that's going to occur or the nature of it. are they going to attack embassies and hotels. al qaeda and the arabian peninsula attack have centered on aviation in the last couple of years. we don't know that either. >> do you think this should be something that's open-ended. once it's over, do we assume there is no threat. they're reopened to after saturday or sunday? >> you realize they're in the threat as imminent. they're like fortresses.
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most of them would be a very, very difficult target. they have an outer perimeter. security guards on the outer perimeter. squu if you go past that to get to the main embassy. they are difficult targets for anybody to try to penetrate. >> do you think the obama administration is making the right call? they got a lot of criticism over the attack in benghazi. do you think it's wise? >> i think that they don't have a choice. if you don't make any kind of a threat warning out there and something happens they are crucified for why didn't you tell us? why didn't you warn us?
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you knew about it? they're going to ere on the side of caution. in addition to closing the embassies state department has issued a worldwide travel threat to be alert and aware which they should be. >> do you think there's an alternative here. perhaps instead of these big structures that the u.s. do business in a different way? perhaps a smaller footprint. >> no because that's what you had in benghazi. you had the small footprint, smaller building and it was very as a rulerable to the attack which killed the ambassador and others. that's why they don't have that. the fact that in the eastern part of the country benghazi there was lack of libyan military or political rule of law and they subcontracted to
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local malitias. there's never going to be a lesser footprint. >> thank you. we'll have more on the nest hour as well. also, coming up, for some the burka is seen as a oppression. one wabts them to associate it with the burka adventure. how this cartoon character is breaking stereo types, inspiring women in pakistan. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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this is in pakistan.
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reports say a train bombing has killed three people. the bomb went off when a train headed for lahore pulled into a station. there were no warnings ahead of this take. this comes as pakistan's capital city isl on alert. >> reporter: 30 teams of 85 commanders and police officers are right now scouring islamabad. those are the hills you see in the distance. they act add a barrier between the capital and the north of pakistan. krus they overlook key military and government builds. the buildings you see in the dome.
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the prime minister's house. the presidency and parliament too. cnn has learned through a source involved in the operation the central mosque may well be target. mosques are very busy this time of year with the month of ramadan. another target may well be former president residence. he's being held under house arrest facing several charges since his return. a new cartoon in pakistan aimed at fighting terror by inspiring the country's children especially the young girls. this is called burka avenger. it's going to air on pakistan. she uses martial arts to promote education. she uses the burka to disguiseerer identify and to
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fly. for months science fiction fans have been waiting, speculating about who will be new dr. who. right now they have their answer. 55-year-old scottish actor is the 12th one to play the doctor. capaldi is best known for his role in the thick of it. prince william headed back to work. his two weeks of paternity leave are up. he's getting ready to report back to duty in the royal air force. he works as a search and rescue pilot. no word on whether his wife and his new son listen be joining him. david bowie is known as one of the biggest entertainers in the business. ♪ ♪
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london is about to wrap up the exhibit featuring bowie. the collection includes everything from handwritten lyric, set designs. his career spans five decades. paying close attention to th this, alex rodriguez waiting to find out his fate over allegations that he took performance enhancement drugs. we're waiting for that announceme announcement. it could come any moment now. and distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups," "and buy directly from local farmers in every region of the country." "when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions of americans, everyday. "dedication: that's the real walmart"
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he's baseball's highest paid player once expected to become the next home run king. today alex rodriguez would be kicked out of major league baseball, maybe even for life. he's facing allegations of taking performance enhancing drugs or peds. a decision from the league could come down any moment. i want to bring in bob nighti nightingale. good journalism up any inside intel when this might happen. we've been waiting and it siems like this will be the day it happens. >> it will definitely happen today. sometime around this afternoon. the biggest news already is
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nelson cruz will have to accept the suspension which means it's a huge play for the playoff hopes. >> what about a-rod. he said he will fight the suspension and he plans to play tonight. can he do that? >> he has the right to appeal. he's going to be the only one not to accept the suspension. he'll be in lineup playing third base for the yankees. it should be an interesting crowd to see the reaction. >> what do you think the reaction will be? >> i think it's a ton of booing. it will be like barry bonds toward the end of going for hank aaron's record. i don't know if a-rod will be beloved in new york. he'll be boo eed heavily where goes. >> explain how baseball is different from other sports we see.
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it's got this anti-trust that other sports don't deal with. why is baseball an exception in the way it's treated with the law and congress. >> baseball has the anti-trust. that's more for moving franchises. this this case people love baseball and they're more like a personal affront if a baseball player goes down with a steroid accusations. it happens in football. we see it in baseball. baseball is a special thing where when it happens in baseball it's front page news. when it happens in other sports it's at the back pages. >> what do we think this means for the sport? >> i think it's good for the sport. they're telling the players we're cleaning this thing up. sorry there's still some more cheating going on but we caught these guys. if you cheat we're going to get you. they spent more money on this investigation alone than in the
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other investigations in the sports history combined. >> from a business point of view, if he does get suspended here or a lifetime suspension could this be something that's better for the yankees now they could freeze him up tense of millions of dollars i suppose. >> sure. in this suspension that would last to the end of 2014 season would save the yankees millions. it's only benefits the yankees if he's suspended. >> do we think this is the end or just the beginning? >> i think it's the end for this. i'm sure others will pop up here and there. this is a big move by major league baseball. i think now for the first time all the players at clubhouses are all with the owners saying we want this out of our sport. if you want to ban these guys
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for life we're with you. >> thanks, bob. there are other stories you'll be breaking. we'll continue to follow this story. we'll watch to see if this happens in the next hour or so. thanks again. coming up "around the world" take a bite of this. this is the world's first test tube burger. this is lab grown meat and kind its way onto your plate. we want to know what you think about it. ast. i'll take that malibu. yeah excuse me, the equinox in atlantis blue is mine! i was here first, it's mine. i called about that one, it's mine. mine! mine. it's mine. it's mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. it's mine! no it's not, it's mine! better get going, it's chevy model year-end event. [ male announcer ] the chevy model year-end event. the 13s are going fast, time to get yours. current chevy truck owners can trade up to this chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $9,000. lecoca-cola is partneringg. with nashville parent and charlotte parent magazines, along with the mayors of those cities, in the fit family challenge.
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would you eat a burger grown from stem cells in lab? it might sound gross to some people. you might get the chance to find out. dan rivers in london with what's on the menu. are you taste testing? >> reporter: i do. this is a stem cell burger. it has been produced in lab not in a cow. it's one of only two that they made and the other one has been eaten. this is the only one in existence anywhere in the world. i better not eat it. it costs $300,000. >> that's an expensive burger. >> reporter: i'm going to put it down over here because i don't
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want to drop it. the burger will have its own security guard and i wouldn't be surprised if it has an agent after this. >> you can't taste the burger. we don't know no if it tastes any different than a regular burger. why are they doing this in the first place? is it more environmentally friendly? >> reporter: there's a more serious point to this which is finding way to produce beef that doesn't take up so much of the world's recourses in terms of land for cattle to graze on and energy. greenhouses are produced as a result of producing beef . the world's population is going up. how are we going to be feed. this is one possible solution. today was a type of prototype. a proof that it could be done. they've done it.
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it's not juicy. it's very lean. it doesn't have the fat that a normal burger has. it could be a water shed moment. >> what are animal rights groups think of this? is it seen as progressive or a positive? >> reporter: i think a lot of people who are concerned about animal welfare will see it as progressive. this can be produced without having to slaughter any animals. you take cells from a live cow and grow in petri dishes about 20,000 strands of meat to produce one burger. if they scale this up to kind of commercial size they're going to have to slightly change production technique. the principal behind it will be the same that no animals will be killed in the process of making this burger. >> wow. when would it be available? are we going to have a burger
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together? when is this happening? >> probably when i'm retired. about ten or 20 years time they're talking about. there's a huge amount of work still to do. there's a large amount of money to be invested. >> if it's a cheaper burger, i'll take you out. lady gaga. watch this. ♪ her message to the gay community at her concert in russia. she came out against the country's anti-gay laws and now russia is punishing her or trying to. madonna is also on the list. we'll explain next. you'll finds on everything from home repair to healthcare
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as russia cracks down on gay rights it's taking aim at the biggest pop stars. now they are considering charges against lady gaga and madonna. both stars spoke out during their concerts last year.peters
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>> reporter: even fp you're one of the world's biggest stuper stars speaking out on gay rights is risky as lady gaga is finding out. >> tonight this is my house russia. you can be gay in my house. >> reporter: now russian official says she staged her concert without proper work visas. it's not leak linked to her r t remarks. another icon, madonna is also accused of spreading what russia calls gay propaganda as she spoke out last year in st. pewtpu petersburg. >> i'm here to say the gay people here and around tr world have the same rights. >> reporter: in russia activists say gay rights are under increasing pressure along with
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anyone who dares to support them. >> matthew chance joining us. what can they charge them with? what can the russian government do? >> reporter: they can prosecute them both lady gaga and madonna for violating the visa rules. they came on tourist visas that were meant for culture exchange purposes. what they should have had are business visas because they engaged in commercial activities. they staged these concerts in various locations. because of that it violated the terms of the visa. they could be fined as much as $10,000. they could be banned from entering the country in the future as well. for madonna and lady gaga perhaps not that serious but it's the symbolism.
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>> clearly $10,000 not much of a challenge for either one of them. have they responded to the charges? >> reporter: no, not as far as i'm aware. they have swept this investigation sort of under the carpet and behind them. they are not responding in any way. there's been a lot of speculation in the press about how angry they must be. >> we got to let it go there. thank you. appreciate. . thanks for watching "around the world." "cnn newsroom" starts now. alex rodriguez is considered one of baseball's greatest sluggers but his career now hanging in the balance. at any moment


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